Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Mark 7:31-37

Grace, peace and mercy to you from God our Father and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

It can be difficult to share our faith, the reason we put our hope in God's plan of salvation, with other people, especially those who are not Christian. In these days of political correctness we might worry about offending people. It could be that we are worried someone might ask a question we just can't answer. Maybe we just don't think the Christian faith that amazing anymore. How on earth can Christianity compete against so many other options, all of which may appear so much more entertaining, relevant or exciting?

The second half of our gospel reading tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was deaf and who had a speech impediment. This man is miraculously healed and his friends and family want to tell everyone this good news and that it was Jesus who performed the miracle. The more Jesus asks them to tell no one, the more they speak up. Undeterred, they are going to share their good news, their hope, their faith with all they meet on this amazing day.

Heavenly Father, sanctify us in the truth, your Word is truth. Amen.

  • Download and read the whole sermon as a pdf here