Second Sunday after Epiphany – John 2:1-11
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus our Saviour.
I want to preach to you this morning on the Word of God that I read to you, the Gospel lesson. Jesus turns the water into wine.
Heavenly Father bless us with your Spirit as we hear your Word, may you speak to our hearts, strengthen us in our faith, enliven us in our spirit that we may live joyfully, celebrating your presence and serving you with enthusiasm. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen
Dear Christian friends, how do you live? Are you a celebrating thankful people, or a bit pessimistic, worried about the future, wondering just how climate change is going to affect beautiful Cairns, wondering if really there is going to be a return of the global financial crisis and how that's going to affect you?
Bob Hawke is worried. I don't know if you saw the program. Andrew Denton interviewed Bob Hawke in a program that he is calling "The Elders." Last Tuesday evening there he was on our television sets, for those who cared to watch, and Andrew Denton said "you looked genuinely sad before, when you were talking about the world our children are coming into. Are you optimistic about the future of our planet?" Bob Hawke with his silvery mane, raked his hands through it, and said "I am by nature, and I have all my life by nature, been an optimist Andrew. But I've got to say that when I look at the facts in this world now, there are not too many grounds for optimism."
- Listen to the sermon mp3 recorded at our Trinity 10 am service here