Fourth Sunday in Lent – Numbers 21:4-9

Grace, peace and mercy to you from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Israelites who were led out of slavery to the Egyptians were to go into the Promised Land that God had already marked out for them. But in their journeying, they fell into the familiar pattern of calling on God for rescue, then turning away from him when they were sick and tired of his method of deliverance. The continued impatience of the people tried God’s patience and the consequences gave the Israelites every reason to consider once more who was truly leading them and the blessings that come from following God alone.

God’s solution to the Israelites’ problem points clearly to the final solution that has come to all people through the saving work of Jesus Christ. And even though we may not always like the answer God gives to our prayers, we are told to lift our eyes to Christ crucified and to trust in God’s solution as he leads us day to day.

Heavenly Father, may the words of my mouth and meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you. Amen.

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