Newsflash: Podcast of Sermons now on iTunes
Over the past few weeks, we have been working hard at starting to record the sermons of worship services held at Trinity Lutheran Church. We wanted to share these online in a way that makes it easy for people to connect and listen to.
This set up is now complete, with sermons being available through the Apple iTunes store. Clicking on the Podcast button in the menu bar on the left will automatically open up the Cairns Lutheran Parish Podcast page on the iTunes store, and you can either click to listen to the different sermons or subscribe to the Podcast (if you have iTunes installed on your computer or iPod). If you choose to subscribe, you will have the option to automatically have new sermons delivered to your computer or iPod as they become available.
We're very excited at being able to share our sermons with you, and we hope and pray that this new ministry area of our parish will be a blessing to you.
Some more detailed instructions may follow soon. If you are interested in a higher quality recording of these sermons on CD, these may be made available on request by contacting the parish at any of our congregations, for a gold coin donation.
Celebrate Easter 2011
Come and celebrate Easter with us...
Maundy Thursday at Trinity
Thursday 21st April, 2011
7 pm Service with Holy Communion led by Pastor Vaughn Spring
Good Friday at Trinity
Friday 22nd April, 2011
8 am Service with Holy Communion led by Pastor Vaughn Spring
Good Friday at Our Saviour
Friday 22nd April, 2011
11 am Service with Holy Communion led by Pastor Vaughn Spring
Longest Lutheran Lunch
Events Calendar
People of the Resurrection 2014
People of the Resurrection: 25 - 29 September 2014
Bible Teaching Convention, Cairns, Far North Queensland
The Church is not firstly an institution, but a people united to Jesus Christ, in his death and resurrection. He is our life. What does it mean to have been raised up with Jesus? What difference does it make to our life and relationships? And what difference does the resurrection make to the whole creation?
Please contact us at
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if you'd like to RSVP or require further information.